Title: 39 Song Arrangements (Instructional DVD)
Artists: Tim Allan
Recording: JTA-DVD-002

Format: DVD

$16.00 +$6.00 p&h
(overseas $12.00 p&h)
(Book of Arrangements)
$20.00 +$12.00 p&h
(overseas $24.00 p&h)

[Book contains all songs from this recording with melody line and chord symbols.]

Purchase DVD Online

Purchase book online

All prices are listed in US dollars.

(or click here for more information on the companion book)

Listen, Read, and Play Along

Tim Allan plays slow, clear versions of these 39 songs for following the written chord-diagrammed arrangements to help the student hear and see the chords found in each arrangement.

This DVD is best used with the companion book. (more info)